Rapid assessment:
food security & agricultural impacts
A team from Kastom Gaden Association conducted a rapid assessment of agriculture impacts of the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Western and Choiseul provinces. 15 villages were visited. The selection of villages was based on KGA partner locations and on opportunities that arose during the assessment. The findings are intended to help inform relevant agencies about impacts but more detailed surveys are needed in more locations. Urban areas (ie Gizo) were not included.
…supported by Kastom Gaden Association through the AusAID funded Searem Niu Plant Long Gaden project and Oxfam Australia funded Young Farmer Project and ACIAR Feeding Village Poultry project.
Images of the tsunami damage
Photographs of the April 2007 tsunami damage at Gizo, Solomon Islands, by John and Tracy and taken from their boat, Prossie Joe.
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