Training Manuals

Produced as the series, Training Tools for Pacific Island Communities, the manuals were produced for the Solomon Island Kastom Garden Association training staff. Editing, some writing, conversion into competency-based learning format and design by Russ Grayson, TerraCircle consultants.

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Handbooks by Russ Grayson for the development of rural livelihoods in the Solomon Islands were produced following the coup and inter-communal conflict.

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Origins of and cultural practices around Bananas

Video by Seedsavers’ Network, 2008 Bananas originate in South East Asia and Papua New Guinea. They are an every-day food for some people. Hindu in a temple of Subramanya once a year, their priest caste eat food on banana leaves in the temple along with thousands of other pilgrims and when the bell rings, everyone eating ceases eating and walks out. In come pilgrims rolling on the ground across the leaves in the belief that any skin conditions they have will be cured. They roll in the left-over food literally and in a kind of trance. It is an interesting belief system that we respect.

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Pest could devastate crops

An outbeak of the exotic pest, the giant African snail, threatens village and commercial agriculture in the Solomon Islands. The snail carries an organism, infection by which can cause severely illness in people.

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